Keep Mosquitoes Away

When the weather starts heating up it can cause everyone to start spending more time outdoors and this includes all those irritating pests. Mosquitoes love to come out and find stagnant water to breed in. A very, very small amount of water can be all it takes for mosquitoes to reproduce to the point of causing you a problem in your yard. You'll want to go around your property and make sure you look for any and all problem areas as soon as possible so you can take care of them and prevent mosquitoes from showing up in your yard to chase you and your family back indoors. [Read More]

Change The Entire Look Of A Room By Customizing Your Window Treatments

If you want to give a room in your home a fresh face for spring, consider utilizing window treatments to achieve an entirely new look. Consider ways to change the mood and atmosphere of your space simply by changing your curtains and drapes! Some ways to alter your space and create an illusion with window treatments include: Make your room seem bigger. Get rid of any obstructions that are blocking the windows in your room, and hang a cornice above the window's top sill. [Read More]

Two Tips To Keep Your Front Door Looking Great

Although it's an overlooked component of your home, the front door is important. If you consider the number of times you use your door over the course of a year or even a month and its constant exposure to the elements, it's safe to say that your front door withstands a fair amount of abuse. Make sure you understand how to take care for your door to keep it functional and looking great. [Read More]

Comparing Argon And Krypton Windows

Argon and krypton windows have argon and krypton gas, respectively, in between their window panes. Both of these types of gases are denser than oxygen, which is found in traditional windows, providing better insulative qualities to your home than traditional windows. Understanding the differences between argon and krypton windows can help you choose the type of window that best suits your home's needs. Argon Windows Argon windows are the more common of the two types of insulative windows, because they are fairly inexpensive, only costing slightly more than regular air filled windows. [Read More]